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Author Guidelines

Aim and Scope of the Journal

Pragnya Sarathi is a multidisciplinary journal published annually by Tribhuvan University Teachers’ Association, Dhawaligiri Multiple Campus, Baglung. The goal is to encourage the exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary collaboration and contribute to the academic and intellectual development of the global community. Ultimately, the journal's mission is to provide a reputable and credible platform for scholars to share their findings, engage in scholarly discussions, and contribute to the body of knowledge within their respective fields. Through rigorous peer-review processes and a commitment to academic excellence, the journal aims to maintain high standards of quality and integrity in the scholarly work it publishes. Additionally, the journal seeks to foster intellectual dialogue, promote the advancement of knowledge, and contribute to the growth of the respective academic disciplines.

The journal’s scope may encompass various topics, disciplines, and research methodologies. It may include original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, theoretical frameworks, methodological discussions, critical analyses, and new books.

Type of Article Accepted

Original research articles, articles based on reviews, and brief book reviews on recent publications in any discipline from Nepali and international researchers who follow the required article format are welcome. The article’s author bears full responsibility for the accuracy of the content and the viewpoints expressed in it, as stated in the author's statement of commitment.

General Guidelines

A) Language: English or Nepali

B) Text: Double space, uses a 12-point font, Times New Roman for English, and 14-font size of Preeti

C) Word Count: 3000-7000 in total.

D) Article Structure

  1. Title: Avoid abbreviations, use words that give off a good impression, use current nomenclature from the field study, limit the title to the range of 8–15 words as possible, and avoid using the phrase “Study of analysis of...” in the title. The title is typically in the form of an expression, but it can also be a question.
  2. Author/s: Contributors to articles must include their full name, affiliation, email address (and, if available, an ORCID), and information about the corresponding author.
  3. Abstract: The article must have an abstract that briefly explains the salient aspects of the content, not more than 250 words. It includes answers to the questions: what was the purpose (why did you do it)? What was done; what did you find, and why are these finding valuable and necessary?
  4. Keywords: The words and phrases in a manuscript should help a search engine identify the article. Choose words and phrases that best describe your manuscript. Don't use the same term twice in the title. Write not more than five words alphabetically.
  5. Introduction (Alternatively Background): Start by introducing the title, sketch international to a national scenario about the considered issue in general to a specific form. Establish the problem, highlight the gap and statement of the problem, and connect it with the research question or purpose in paragraph format or points.
  6. Liter review: It is optional it can be embedded in the introduction with a wider broad context and review. Generally, Background, Conceptual Development, and Conceptual framework are included in this topic.
  7. Method: The author should write the method in detail (especially in the research article). It should provide the information about research area (or context), nature of data, data collection tools and techniques, and data analysis tools and techniques. (For this, go to the link In the case of text analysis, the author should explain their method (Closed reading, thematic analysis, Content analysis, Narrative analysis, Stylistics analysis, Structural analysis, Comparative analysis, Intersexual analysis, Cultural and historical analysis, Psychoanalytic analysis, etc.), which is used for research. 
  8. Result (quantitative) or finding (qualitative): Present the data analysis result in the diagram, figure, table, etc., using the quantitative method. Thematic analysis or any reasonable approach should be used in qualitative research.
  9. Discussion: Interpretation of result, address research objectives, compare with literature, purpose explanation, strength and weakness of research future research are included in this section. The author should consist of this section in the article in a separate partition or the team on results and discussion.
  10. Conclusion: Your paper's conclusion allows you to make a final statement about the issues you've discussed, summarize your views, highlight their significance, and to nudge your audience toward a fresh understanding of the topic. Additionally, it allows you to leave a favorable impression and start on the right foot.
  11. References: Pragnya Sarathi adheres precisely to the APA 7th edition style rules for referencing and citations. The author might use the URL for the citation and reference instructions. (Link:

Declarations: The author should submit their declaration (Ethical approval and Consent to participant, Consent for publication, availability of data, conflict of interests, funding, and acknowledgement) if applicable.  (Download the authorship letter from here, fill it and upload from here Authorship letter)

Author Academic bio-notes: Authors should provide academic biographies that are no more than 150 words.

Table and Figure

           Name and number of table and figure are required. The table and figure should be centered. The number and name should flush left. The number name should be in italics, each letter capitalized just below the table, and the figure number should be as APA model. The table and figure name should bolt. Font size in the table can be reduced for adjustment.

Frequency of Publication: Annual

Article Submission process

  • Go to:
  • Register: As author, reviewer, and reader.
  • Login: Enter username and password as your registration.
  • Click on the about menu to go to submission and proceed demanded steps.

Language: Language should be bays-free. The link ( is helpful for language.

 Legal Compliance: It is assumed that the manuscript submitted to Pragnya Sarathi is not submitted before, partly or whole, in any other publication. The Manuscript is the original work of author and the research is ethically conducted. The editorial team will not be held responsible for any compensation claims.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy:  Pragnya Sarathi is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and originality in the publications it hosts. To ensure that the content submitted to the journal is free from plagiarism, the journal uses iThentiate for plagiarism checking. Before any manuscript is published, it undergoes a thorough plagiarism check using the software. It is assumed that the author agrees to check any necessary originality.

 Peer Review Process: Editor in chief or assistant editor screening the submitted manuscript in the initial phase. All submissions undergo rigorous reviews if the manuscript is selected in the initial screening processes. The review guidelines and review matrix will be given to the reviewer. The manuscript will send to at least two reviewers anonymously. The flowchart shows the total article processingThis Link allows to see the article processing flowchart.






Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.