About the Journal

Pragnya Sarathi is a multidisciplinary journal published annually by Tribhuvan University Teachers’ Association, Dhawaligiri Multiple Campus, Baglung. The goal is to encourage the exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary collaboration and contribute to the academic and intellectual development of the global community. Ultimately, the journal's mission is to provide a reputable and credible platform for scholars to share their findings, engage in scholarly discussions, and contribute to the body of knowledge within their respective fields. Through rigorous peer-review processes and a commitment to academic excellence, the journal aims to maintain high standards of quality and integrity in the scholarly work it publishes. Additionally, the journal seeks to foster intellectual dialogue, promote the advancement of knowledge, and contribute to the growth of the respective academic disciplines.

The journal’s scope may encompass various topics, disciplines, and research methodologies. It may include original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, theoretical frameworks, methodological discussions, critical analyses, and new books.